
Paul Schmitt
PhD Graduate Candidate

Jennie Sekanics
PhD Graduate Student
Jennie Sekanics is an English Ph.D. scholar and TA for Foundations of English at the University of Iowa, where she studies twentieth and twenty first century fiction, feminist theory, and trauma studies.

Kathleen Shaughnessy
PhD Graduate Candidate
Kathleen Shaughnessy is an English Ph.D. candidate who works on themes of the gothic and medical science in 19th-century British literature.

Bennett Sims
Associate Professor
Bennett Sims is the author of the novel A Questionable Shape, which received the Bard Fiction Prize and was a finalist for The Believer Book Award, and the collection White Dialogues.

Jenny Singer
MFA Nonfiction Graduate Student

Alyssa (Adare) Smith
PhD Graduate Candidate

Max Sonin
PhD Graduate Student
My research focuses on structures of humor and text-generation. Outside of academia, I have published five novels in Russian, including the first Russian queer YA novel Письма до Полуночи (AST, 2019) and a thriller-crime series about teenage detectivess Miriam "Mishka" Mironova (Popcorn Books, 2020-2024).

Anne Stapleton
Professor Emerita of Instruction
My teaching and scholarship explore literature and culture of late eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Great Britain, with a particular focus on Scotland.

Harry Stecopoulos
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Harry Stecopoulos, Professor of English, teaches courses on modern US literature, culture, and performance, with specific interests in in the novel, cultural studies, and postcolonial theory.

Bronwyn Stewart
PhD Graduate Candidate
Darius Stewart
PhD Graduate Candidate
Darius Stewart is a Lulu “Merle” Johnson Fellow and PhD student in English Literary Studies with a Graduate Certificate in African American Studies, specializing in African American Literature and Culture from 1831 to the present, while also pursuing a Graduate Certificate in Gender, Women’s and Sexuality Studies.

Garrett Stewart
James O. Freedman Professor of Letters
I write and teach across disciplinary boundaries, with interests in Victorian and modernist fiction, poetics, narrative theory, film and media, and art history.

Pia Struzzieri
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Pia Struzzieri is an Assistant Visiting Professor of English. She earned her MFA in Fiction Writing at Columbia University and an AB in Literary Arts and Modern Culture/Media at Brown University.

Bonnie Sunstein
For over twenty years in Iowa, Bonnie Sunstein has taught nonfiction writing, ethnographic research, methods of teaching of writing, and folklore studies, and directs programs in both undergraduate writing and English education.

May Teng
MFA Nonfiction Graduate Student

Aileen Tierney
PhD Candidate
Aileen Tierney is a PhD candidate in English at the University of Iowa. She studies avant-garde/experimental literature of the 20th-21st century with an emphasis on the emergent methodologies of the digital humanities.

Kate Torno
Senior Academic Advisor
Kate Torno works with all English or English & Creative Writing majors. She also meets with English minors and students considering English coursework for electives. She is the administrative advisor for English handling the waitlists and caps for the ENGL and CNW courses. Click on her name to see her full profile and office hours.

Thelma Trujillo
PhD Graduate Candidate
Thelma Trujillo is a writer and educator from La Villita, Chicago. She holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Masters in Literary and Cultural Studies from Illinois State University.

Tobias Veeder
Visiting Assistant Professor
Tobias Veeder is a Visiting Assistant Professor teaching "ENGL-1200 The Interpretation of Literature: Diverse Voices in Classic and Contemporary Texts."

Inara Verzemnieks
Associate Professor
Inara Verzemnieks is the author of the memoir, “Among the Living and the Dead: A Tale of Exile and Homecoming on the War Roads of Europe,” published by W.W. Norton. The book, which the Washington Post in a recent review called “important,” and “exquisitely written,” retraces the steps of her grandmother, a war refugee, and her great-aunt, a Siberian exile, in the wake of World War II, and recounts Verzemnieks's own journey back to the remote Latvian village where her family broke apart.

Stephen Voyce
Associate Professor
I joined the English Department at the University of Iowa in 2011. My research and teaching explores twentieth-century poetry and culture, contemporary print and digital media, and the history of literary movements.

Parker Watson
PhD Graduate Student

Deborah Whaley
Deborah Elizabeth Whaley is an artist, curator, writer, poet, vegan blogger, and Professor of English and African American Studies at the University of Iowa. From 2017-2020, she served as Senior Scholar for Digital Arts and Humanities for the UI Digital Studio, where she was an ambassador and liaison for the digital humanities, as well as director of the Public Digital Humanities graduate certificate.

Harris Wheless
MFA Nonfiction Graduate Student
Harris Wheless is a writer from North Carolina and an MFA candidate in Iowa’s Nonfiction Writing Program.

Bambi Whitaker
PhD Graduate Candidate

Ellie White
PhD Graduate Student
Ellie White is a first-year Ph.D. student and Teaching Assistant at the University of Iowa, where she intends to study Victorian literature and transnational coming-of-age novels.