
Barb Pooley

Barb Pooley

Administrative Services Administrator
Adams, Lafayette

Bluford Adams

Director of General Education Literature
Associate Professor
My research focuses on racial, ethnic, and regional identities, and way those identities got expressed in nineteenth- and twentieth-century U.S. culture. I am particularly interested in the relationship between regional identities like Yankee and Southerner and “racial” identities like Anglo-Saxon, Negro, Celt, and Teuton.
Aron Aji

Aron Aji

Director of MFA in Literary Translation
Associate Professor of Instruction
Aron Aji, Director of MFA in Literary Translation, joined the faculty in 2014. A native of Turkey, he has translated works by Bilge Karasu, Murathan Mungan, Elif Shafak, LatifeTekin, and other Turkish writers. He leads the Translation Workshop, and teaches courses on retranslation, poetry and translation; theory, and contemporary Turkish literature.
Kaveh Akbar

Kaveh Akbar

Director of the English and Creative Writing Major
Associate Professor
Kaveh Akbar teaches at the University of Iowa and in the low-residency MFA programs at Randolph College and Warren Wilson. His poems appear in The New Yorker, Poetry, PBS NewsHour, Paris Review, Best American Poetry, The New York Times, and elsewhere.
Bader AlAwadhi

Bader AlAwadhi

CLAS Visiting Writer-Poetry
photo of Bader AlAwadhi

Bader AlAwadhi

CLAS Visiting Writer-Poetry
Jacqui Alpine

Jacqui Alpine

PhD Graduate Student
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Mila Argueta

PhD Graduate Student
Tara Atkinson

Tara Atkinson

Academic Coordinator - Graduate Program
Sarah Bari

Sarah Bari

MFA Nonfiction Graduate Student
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Caelainn Barr

MFA Nonfiction Graduate Student
Sarah Barringer

Sarah Barringer

PhD Graduate Candidate
Katie Berta

Katie Berta

Managing Editor for the Iowa Review
photo of Elise Bickford

Elise Bickford

CLAS Visiting Writer-Translation
Elise Bickford received an SB in Philosophy from MIT, an MFA in Poetry from the Iowa Writers' Workshop, and an MFA in Literary Translation from the University of Iowa. She translates poems and essays from German. Her work can be found in Chess Life Magazine, the Columbia Review, Guesthouse, and Peripheries.
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Hannah Bonner

CLAS Visiting Writer-Nonfiction
Florence Boos

Florence Boos

I have taught at the University of Iowa since 1973, with semesters abroad as an exchange professor in France, Iceland, and Denmark. Over the years I’ve offered a range of courses centered on British and transimperial literature 1830-1940, with an emphasis on poetry, nonfiction prose, and the social, political, and cultural contexts of literature.
 Margaret Bowlin

Margaret Bowlin

PhD Graduate Candidate
Matthew Brown

Matthew Brown

Associate Professor
I teach literary and cultural history, with a courtesy appointment in the UI Center for the Book. Offering an MFA degree and a Graduate Certificate, the Center combines the study of book history with the production of book art. My particular research interest is in the history of readership, as reflected in my book The Pilgrim and the Bee: Reading Rituals and Book Culture in Early New England (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007).
Sydnee Brown

Sydnee Brown

PhD Graduate Candidate
writer Tisa Bryant

Tisa Bryant

Assistant Professor
Jennifer Buckley

Jennifer Buckley

Director of Graduate Studies
Associate Professor
I teach, research, and write about 20th and 21st century drama, theater, performance art, and media. In my current book project, Act without Words: Speechless Performance on Modern Stages, I examine why and how the concept of a “language” of gesture has attracted theater artists, writers, and theorists disenchanted with the capacity of spoken and written language to represent human experience.
photo of Annie Burkhart

Annie Burkhart

PhD Graduate Candidate
Annie Burkhart (she/her) is a PhD candidate in English at the University of Iowa and a General Education Literature (GEL) instructor. Annie studies gender and sexuality in Victorian and fin de siècle culture, aiming to uncover queer influences in the literature of the period.
Sabrina Bustamante

Sabrina Bustamante

MFA Nonfiction Graduate Student
Tara Bynum

Tara Bynum

Associate Professor
Dr. Tara Bynum is an Assistant Professor of English & African American Studies and a scholar of early African American literary histories before 1800. She received her PhD in English from Johns Hopkins University and a BA in Political Science from Barnard College.
Writer Corey Campbell

Corey Campbell

Nonfiction Writing Program Coordinator
Managing Editor for Philological Quarterly
Maria Capecchi

Maria Capecchi

PhD Graduate Candidate
Maria Capecchi  (she/her) is an English Ph.D. candidate and General Education Literature (GEL) instructor at the University of Iowa, where she studies early modern poetry and drama, with additional concentrations in performance, book studies, and critical race theory. Maria’s research includes cross-disciplinary work with the UI Department of Theatre Arts and with the UI Center for the Book, where she has earned a graduate certificate.
Connie Chen

Connie Chen

MFA Nonfiction Graduate Student
Connie Chen is a nonfiction writer and visual artist undressing divine flesh in objected, abjected, and rejected bodies. She engages the intersections of psychoanalysis, queer and feminist theory, disability studies, Christian theology, and critical theory in her work.
Jamie Chen

Jamie Chen

PhD Graduate Candidate
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Caroline Cheung

PhD Graduate Candidate
Caroline Cheung is a PhD Candidate in English with a graduate certificate in Gender, Women’s, & Sexuality Studies. She works at the intersections of women of color feminisms, theories of state violence, transformative justice and prison abolitionism.