Eric Ensley

Eric Ensley

Adjunct Assistant Professor
Dr. Eric Ensley is Curator of Rare Books and Maps in the Special Collections & Archives, where he works to make rare materials better accessible to students, faculty, and researchers across the University of Iowa campus and beyond.
photo of Lauren Haldeman

Lauren Haldeman

Adjunct Assistant Professor
Thomas Keegan

Thomas Keegan

Adjunct Assistant Professor
Tom Keegan directs the Digital Scholarship & Publishing Studio in The University of Iowa Libraries and teaches in the departments of Rhetoric and English.
Kimberly Maher

Kimberly Maher

Adjunct Assistant Professor
photo of Kim Maher

Kimberly Maher

Adjunct Assistant Professor
DK Nnuro

Derek Nnuro

Adjunct Assistant Professor
Andre Perry

Andre Perry

Adjunct Assistant Professor
Andre Perry is a writer and arts worker. His debut nonfiction book, Some of Us Are Very Hungry Now, was hailed by NPR as "extraordinary" and Foreword called him "a fresh American voice that demands to be heard.
Kate Torno

Kate Torno

Senior Academic Advisor
Kate Torno works with all English or English & Creative Writing majors.  She also meets with English minors and students considering English coursework for electives.  She is the administrative advisor for English handling the waitlists and caps for the ENGL and CNW courses. Click on her name to see her full profile and office hours.
Natalia Zdaniuk

Natalia Zdaniuk

Adjunct Assistant Professor