Kate Torno

Senior Academic Advisor


Kate works with all English or English & Creative Writing majors and the Museum Studies Certificate as well as English Education majors for their English/ECW requirements.  She also meets with English minors and students considering English coursework for electives.  She is the administrative advisor for English handling the waitlists and caps for the ENGL and CNW courses.

Advising:  As a parent who relates to a budget and being "first generation adjacent" myself-- I focus on students graduating in 4 years or less, often with multiple majors and supporting their efforts to build a strong resume while in school so they can attain their graduate school or career goals after graduation. I also hope students see the college journey as more than checking boxes.  We will make your college journey what YOU want to get out of it!  I like to see students 1-2 times per semester if possible.  I advocate for all students to improve their experience and push all students to reach their potential. I tend to be rather matter-of-fact and down to business, but I'm a softie at heart and want you to share anything about your life or identity that will help me support you better as an advisor. We're in this journey together for three years.

Hobbies: Bicycling, hiking, writing to politicians, lazy gardening, and listening to audio books as I do any of the former activities.

Favorite Thing about EPB:  That it is right next to the river which makes for great outdoor meetings if you want to walk and talk or just need nature time. I also love the Literary Loft in room 425 of EPB.

Least Favorite Thing about EPB: Probably how few windows there are...I wish we had big terraces and large windows looking at the river. But the lighting is 200% better in the hallways than when I was here in the 80s so the administration has done as much as they can.  Luckily, we always say English is about the people, not the building. 

Recent Professional Development and Awards:

  • Lola Lopez Staff Award for Undergraduate Advocacy, 2024
  • Serve on the Iowa Advising Network Planning Committee, 2023- present
  • Serve on the Future of Advising/Work Committee for CLAS advisors, 2022-2024
  • Big 10 English Advisors discussion group, 2021-present
  • Attended University of Iowa Financial Aid Mini conference, 2023
  • Served on Iowa Academic Advising Network Conference committee, 2023- present
  • Served on University of Iowa First-Generation Task Force 2018-present
  • Attend annual advising training through UI Advise
  • Attended NASPA conference, 2022
  • Presented at NACADA 2018 "GIVE Me Your Story: Quick Career Advising Model"
  • Served on UI Advise Training Committee 2016-2023, chaired the social and recognition committee: 2020-2022
  • Served on the CLAS Academic Success Course Development and teaching team, 2018 (?)
  • Attended MAPLA Law Caravan (day-long conference), 2018-2021
  • Building Global Community certified 2021
  • BUILD certified 2017, but continue to participate regularly in additional sessions and read regularly on DEI topics
  • LGBTQ+ Ally certified 2018

Higher Education Background:

  • CLAS Academic Advising in English: 2014 to present, also taught CLAS Academic Success course, co-taught English@Work course, and English Unbound course
  • Coordination of disability services, tutoring, advising, teaching learning skills course: 4 years
  • Counseling/TRIO/orientation: 3 years
  • Counseling, teaching Intro to Sociology, Intro to Psychology, Positive Thinking: 1 year
  • Residence life : 6 years residence hall management (with 1 year in each: Career Services, Admissions, housing assignments)

Scheduling an Advising Appointment

Schedule an appointment if you have detailed questions about such things as: your degree audit and requirements, study abroad, careers or graduate school opportunities, or you need to complete financial aid (SAP) forms.  Appointments cannot be scheduled during Walk-in Hours.

If you are a declared English major, please use the Online Scheduler.  The scheduler is also found in MyUI under Advising Appointments.   If you are making a full academic plan or have a complicated situation, you might want to schedule two back-to-back appointments to get more time.  

If you are not a declared English major or have trouble scheduling an appointment online, please email Kate at kate-torno@uiowa.edu or call the English office at 319-335-0457. 

If you are a prospective student, please contact the Office of Admissions at 319-335-1569 to coordinate a departmental visit along with other campus visit opportunities.

Kate Torno
MSW License maintained 2008-2021. Continuing Education hours in the study of: Autism/Neurodiversity, Traumatic Brain Injury and Anxiety and Senior Citizens/Aging.

MA Counseling for College Student Development- Eastern Kentucky University, 1991

Contact Information

308D English-Philosophy Building (EPB)
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States