Anne Stapleton
My research is archive-based and interdisciplinary, and I have a particular interest in the literature and culture of late eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Scotland. Published in 2014 as part of the SCROLL series (Scottish Cultural Review of Language and Literature), Pointed Encounters: Scottish Dance in Post-Culloden Literature (Rodopi, now De Gruyter Brill) traces the social practice and motif of dance—in songs, poetry, dance manuals, and fiction—as subversive expressions of Scottish identity during the period 1750-1830. In my digital humanities project Under the Banner of Waverley (link here), I interweave stories, maps, and an array of evocative images to investigate Walter Scott’s literary legacy in the United States. Recent publications explore the intersection of Scottish women’s work and literary production to underscore the rich plurality of female experience and alternative narratives.
Undergraduate Courses Taught
The British Novel: Scott to Butler; Introduction to the Novel; Honors First-Year Seminar (Victorian Medical Mysteries and Their Modern Counterparts); Literature and Culture of Nineteenth-Century Britain; Literature and Culture of Nineteenth-Century England; Literature and Culture of Nineteenth-Century Scotland; Reading Novels; Reading Short Stories; Selected Authors: Walter Scott and George Eliot; Selected British Authors Before 1900: Jane Austen and Walter Scott; Selected British Authors: Charles Dickens and Margaret Oliphant; Selected British Authors: George Eliot and Oscar Wilde; Selected Works of the Eighteenth Century; Topics in British Culture and Identity (Diabolical Doctors, Patience Proponents, and Infectious Intrigue in Victorian Fiction); Topics in British Literature (A Question of Identity: Fiction of the Fin de Siècle; Telling Tales: Short Stories from Great Britain & Ireland); Victorian Literature (Remarkable Women: Victorian Narratives of Quest and Transformation); and Women in Literature.
Research Areas
Nineteenth-Century Scottish Literature and Culture
Victorian Women’s Writing
Periodical Press
Medical Humanities