
Harry Stecopoulos Featured on "The American Vandal" Podcast

Check out Harry Stecopoulos on the “The American Vandal” podcast, talking criticism and debate and this semester’s “Fate of Professional Reading” series!
Nonfiction Writing Program bowling champions "Writer's Strike"

The Team "Writer's Strike" Wins the NWP's 116th Annual Bowling Tournament

Thursday, November 9, 2023
Professor Tisa Bryant reports from Colonial Lanes, where the 116th Annual NWP Bowling Tournament drew a crowd on November 4.
NWP Student Sarah Khatry

NWP Student Sarah Khatry Addresses NWP Dedication Crowd

Thursday, October 12, 2023
NWP student Sarah Khatry (NWP 2024) speaks at the Sept. 22 dedication of the new Nonfiction Writing House.
University of Iowa President Barbara Wilson

UI President Wilson Speaks at Nonfiction Writing House Dedication

Monday, October 9, 2023
President Wilson and other campus luminaries spoke at the dedication of the new Nonfiction Writing House.
Ribbon cutting ceremony for University of Iowa's Nonfiction Writing House

Associate Dean Roland Racevskis Welcomes the NWP House to Writers' Row at Dedication Ceremony

Friday, October 6, 2023
Associate Dean Roland Racevskis speaks at the Sept 22 Nonfiction Writing House dedication ceremony.