Articles from May 2023

writer Chris Dennis

2023 Krause Essay Prize Winner and Nominees Announced

Tuesday, May 30, 2023
The UI Nonfiction Writing Program is pleased to announce the winners and nominees of the 2023 Krause Essay Prize.
UI Krause Essay Prize

Nonfiction Writing Program students help judge Krause Essay Prize

DeafBlind essayist and poet John Lee Clark is the winner of the 2022 Krause Essay Prize, hosted by the Iowa Nonfiction Writing Program.
Bowling team including writer Richard Frailing

Richard Frailing awarded Roxanne Mueller Prize

Friday, May 5, 2023
NWP student Richard Frailing won this year's Roxanne Mueller Award for his essay, "Silver Salt."
closeup image of female hand writing in notebook

Opinion | English and Creative Writing Majors Graduate with Beneficial Skills

Thursday, May 4, 2023
Naomi Rivera Morales shares an Opinion piece in the Daily Iowan on how an English and Creative Writing degree allows students to grow into a skilled, versatile individual.
Cherie Hansen-Rieskamp

Cherie Hansen-Rieskamp wins Staff Excellence Award

Eighteen University of Iowa staff members–including Cherie Hansen-Rieskamp, academic coordinator for graduate programs in the Department of English–were honored with this year’s UI Staff Council Awards for their achievements.