The Nonfiction Writing Program provides students with funding in the form of fellowships, scholarships, research assistantships, and teaching assistantships in composition, literature, and creative writing.

Teaching Assistantships

Teaching assistantships are the predominant form of financial aid provided by the Nonfiction Writing Program. An appointment to teach three courses for the academic year is referred to as a half-time teaching assistantship; two courses is a third-time assistantship. Nonfiction Writing Program Teaching Assistants teach Rhetoric, General Education Literature, or undergraduate creative writing courses. A teaching appointment that is a quarter-time or more qualifies students  for in-state resident tuition.

Research Assistantships

The Nonfiction Writing Program also offers Research Assistantships with The Iowa Review or other journals at the University of Iowa.  A research assistantship that is a quarter-time or more qualifies students for in-state resident tuition.


The Iowa Arts Fellowship is offered annually to a small number of in-coming students.  Iowa Arts Fellows receive a generous stipend and tuition scholarship in their first year, and then usually receive appointments as research or teaching assistants in their second and third year in the program.

The Dean’s Graduate Fellowship is offered annually to a small number of in-coming students from underrepresented minority populations. Dean’s Graduate Fellows receive a generous stipend in their first year, and then an appointment as a research or teaching assistant in their second and third years in the program.

Other Funding Opportunities

Students in the Nonfiction Writing Programs may apply for funding in other departments too.  These funding opportunities are generally posted on the Graduate Assistantship Online Bulletin Board.

More information about financing a graduate education can be found on the Graduate College’s website.