Christine Norquest

Senior Academic Advisor

Christine advises undergraduate students in the Departments of English (English and English & Creative Writing) and Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies (Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies and Social Justice).

Christine came to the University of Iowa to pursue her Ph.D. in English, sight unseen, from the southernmost Texas border where she was born, raised, and taught middle school. Her dissertation focused on the sonic environment in 19th-century American fiction and explored the intersections between sound and identity.

Christine identifies as Latina, she uses she/her pronouns, and students may call her Christine or Dr. Norquest.

Advising: I strive to be a helpful advising resource for students with marginalized identities, particularly students of color. I love getting to know all my students as individuals. Please talk to me about your favorite books or what you’ve been writing; help me understand the challenges you’re facing so I can support you; share your celebrations with me, big, small, and medium! Through our conversations, I want to get to know you, your goals, and your struggles so I can help you prepare for the college experience you want to have.

Hobbies: Reading novels just for fun, listening to audiobooks while I walk or cook, running, music, finding pockets of time to be alone and recharge as an introvert.

Favorite Thing about EPB: Location, location, location! It feels close to everything: the Iowa River, the IMU, the Main Library, the Field House and UIHC. It’s in a great spot!

Least Favorite Thing about EPB: How tinted the windows are. My plants would prefer a little more light, and so would I.

Higher Education Background:

  • Instructor, University of Iowa (Interpretation of Literature, American Lives, College Transition, College Success Seminar): 11 years
  • Academic Advising (Academic Advising Center at UI): 8 years
  • Academic Advising (Departments of English and Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies): 1 year

Scheduling an Advising Appointment

Schedule an appointment if you have detailed questions about such things as: your degree audit and requirements, study abroad, careers or graduate school opportunities, or you need to complete financial aid (SAP) forms.  Appointments cannot be scheduled during Walk-in Hours.

If you are a declared English major, please use the Online Scheduler.  The scheduler is also found in MyUI under Advising Appointments.   If you are making a full academic plan or have a complicated situation, you might want to schedule two back-to-back appointments to get more time.  

If you are not a declared English major or have trouble scheduling an appointment online, please email Christine at or call the English office at 319-335-0457. 

If you are a prospective student, please contact the Office of Admissions at 319-335-1569 to coordinate a departmental visit along with other campus visit opportunities.

Christine Norquest
Ph.D., English, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
M.A., English, University of Texas-Pan American (a Hispanic Serving Institution, now University of Texas- Rio Grande Valley), Edinburg, TX

B.A., English, Southwestern University, Georgetown, TX

Teaching Credentials: Teacher Certification (2003-2011), grades 4-12, English, Language Arts/Reading
Contact Information

425 English-Philosophy Building (EPB)
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States