Corey Creekmur
I'm an Associate Professor in both the Department of English and the Department of Cinema and Comparative Literature; I'm also the current Director of the Institute for Cinema and Culture, and serve on the executive boards of the Program in Sexuality Studies and International Programs.
My principal research and teaching are in American literature and film, with specific interests in the 20th-century American novel, crime and detective fiction, African-American popular culture, film genres, and popular music. I am also interested in representations of race and sexuality in literature as well as film, and frequently teach courses emphasizing those concerns.
In recent years, I have become especially interested in Indian (especially Hindi) cinema, which links to my previous interests in film music and film stars, but which also, I think, challenges many of the common assumptions about cinema derived from limited attention to Western models of narrative, vision, and genre.

Some of my publications are indicated on my curriculum vitae.
In the near future I plan to continue research on the subject of the black voice and the controversial use of dialect in literature and popular media, and I'm planning a large project that will examine the relationship of popular Indian cinema to the disciplinary field of film studies. I am also compiling a Norton Critical Edition of Arthur Conan Doyle's The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.
Research Areas:
19th-Century U.S. Literatures
Book Studies
Gender & Sexuality
The Novel & Short Fiction
Visual Culture