This Fall the NWP welcomes Sarah Viren, NWP alum and author of To Name the Bigger Lie: A Memoir in Two Stories, in September; and essayist Margo Steines, author of Brutalities, in October. Both will give readings at Prairie Lights Books and participate in conversations as part of the Krause Series in Contemporary Nonfiction. The program is also excited to welcome Douglas Kearney, who will visit the Nonfiction Writing House in mid-November.
Also this Fall: NWP alumni Micah Fields and Brittany Means will read from their debut nonfiction books, and emeritus professor Patricia Foster will read from her latest, Written in the Sky: Lessons of a Southern Daughter, at Prairie Lights.
In the spring, we look forward to alumni Darius Stewart launching his debut nonfiction book in February, Deborah Taffa launching her memoir in March, and a reading by Bedell Distinguished Visiting Professor Paisley Rekdal in April. Also in our plans: readings by NWP alumni Lucas Mann, Matthew Clark, Nicolás Medina Mora Pérez, and Kevin Koch.
And don’t forget to save the date of March 21, 2024 for the Krause Essay Prize ceremony and reception, held in the UI Old Capitol senate chambers.
Visit our Krause Series in Contemporary Nonfiction webpage for updates: https://english.uiowa.edu/graduate/mfa-nonfiction-writing/krause-series-contemporary-nonfiction