The 598th annual NWP Bowling Tournament became not only a nail-biter, but a medal-biter. On a cold November Saturday, three nonfiction workshops faced off in fierce competition. Prof. Nina Lohman’s thesis workshop—team name Nonfrictions—who opted for an elevated dress code in lieu of traditional t-shirts, elbowed out their fellow essayists and ultimately reigned as champs. Congratulations to these well-dressed competitors, seen
The results:

The «Nonfrictions» from left to right: Jenny Singer, Connie Chen, Stephanie Krzywonos, Lohman, Grace Morse, Liv Kane, Caelainn Barr, and Richard Frailing. Photo courtesy of Liv Kane, NWP 2025.

The three competing teams managed to remain friends despite the cutthroat pressures of the tournament. Photo courtesy of Kyra Goldstein, NWP 2026.