
Aidan Kendrick
PhD Graduate Student

Marie Kruger
Associate Professor
I teach classes on African and transnational studies, on film and visual studies, on gender and sexuality, as well as trauma and post-traumatic growth. My current book project examines the representation of women’s political activism in South African visual and memorial culture, including Constitution Hill in Johannesburg (

Brooks Landon
Brooks Landon is the Interim Director of the Nonfiction Writing Program. A member of the University of Iowa English Department since 1978, he served as DEO (1999-2005) and Director General Education Literature (2006-2013).

Kathy Lavezzo
I teach courses in Critical Race Theory, Arthurian Romance, premodern images of Jews and Muslims, The Book of Margery Kempe, the Pearl-poet, Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales and other topics pertaining to the middle ages and theories of identity formation.

Eliza Levinson
MFA Nonfiction Graduate Student

Paige Lewis
Assistant Professor
Paige Lewis is author of the poetry collection Space Struck (Sarabande Books, 2019) and co-editor of Last Call: Poems on Addiction and Recovery (Sarabande Books, 2023).

Tom Lin
Assistant Professor
Tom Lin is author of The Thousand Crimes of Ming Tsu (Little, Brown, 2021), which won the 2022 Andrew Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Fiction and was a finalist for the New York Public Library’s Young Lions Award and the Northern California Book Reviewers’ Award in Fiction. His scholarly research investigates the role of science fiction and popular culture in the shaping of large technical systems, using a hybrid approach that draws from the intersection of the history of technology and literary studies.

Nina Lohman
Visiting Assistant Professor in Nonfiction

Tianyu (Matt) Ma
PhD Graduate Candidate

Kimberly Maher
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Kim Maher earned an MFA in Book Arts from the University of Iowa Center for the Book. She is currently the Emerging Voices Coordinator for the International Writing Program.

Teresa Mangum
Teresa Mangum is a professor in GWSS and the Director of the Obermann Center for Advanced Studies. Her research and teaching focus on the ways literature and art, especially in nineteenth-century Britain, shaped readers’ understanding of women, of late life, and of connections between humans and other animals.

Pedro Martinez
PhD Graduate Candidate

Maddie Matsubara
PhD Graduate Student

Amanda McAllister
Accountant - Shared Services - CLAS

Nancy McCallister
HR Coordinator

Catherine McCourt
MA Graduate Student

Christopher Merill
Christopher Merrill has published six collections of poetry, including Watch Fire, for which he received the Lavan Younger Poets Award from the Academy of American Poets; many edited volumes and books of translations; and five works of nonfiction, among them, Only the Nails Remain: Scenes from the Balkan Wars and Things of the Hidden God: Journey to the Holy Mountain.

Sarah Minor
Assistant Professor
Dr. Sarah Minor is a writer and interdisciplinary artist and the author of books Slim Confessions: The Universe as a Spider or Spit, winner of the Noemi Press Book Award for Prose (2021), Bright Archive (Rescue Press, 2020), a finalist for the CLMP Firecracker Award in Nonfiction, and winner of the Big Other Award in Nonfiction and the hybrid chapbook, The Persistence of The Bonyleg: Annotated (Essay Press 2016), winner of the Essay Press Digital Chapbook Contest. Her newest book, Carousel, is forthcoming from Yale University Press in 2027.

Casie Minot
PhD Graduate Student

Grace Morse
MFA Nonfiction Graduate Student